The Nomination and Remuneration Committee assists the Yancoal Australia Board in overseeing:
- remuneration (subject to any shareholder approval that is required under the Constitution) and performance of Non-executive Yancoal Australia Directors;
- remuneration (subject to any shareholder approval that is required under the Constitution) and performance of Yancoal Australia’s Executive Committee ;
- remuneration disclosures by Yancoal Australia;
- Yancoal Australia Board composition and succession;
- succession planning for Yancoal Australia’s Executive Committee;
- designing company policy and regulations with regard to corporate governance; and
- diversity.
Remuneration of Non-executive Directors
The Constitution provides that the non-executive Yancoal Australia Directors are entitled to such remuneration as approved by shareholders in accordance with the Constitution, which must not exceed the maximum aggregate annual amount determined by Yancoal Australia in general meeting.
Non-executive Yancoal Australia Directors may be paid such additional or special remuneration as the Yancoal Australia Directors decide is appropriate where a non-executive Yancoal Australia Directors performs extra services or makes special exertions for the benefit of Yancoal Australia. Payment of these amounts do not require shareholder approval.